
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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30 June 2012

INTRODUCTION TO SIMRAN SADHNA - MEDITATION: Is recitattion or Jap (JAAP) & Simran same? If not, what's the difference between Jap / Recitation / Chanting & Simran? Basics of Simran, meditation, frequently asked questions

Reincarnation is going through birth and death cycle through 8.4 million species that exist in the universe. 8.4 million species is the creation with life in the universe, 4.2 million are in water – sea and 4.2 million on the earth. Trees and plants are also life bearing creations. Our soul has been on journey for millions of years until it gets blessed with this human life which is the top of the chain. This extra ordinary human body has been blessed super divine powers by God that give you ability to realise your true self that you are the soul and not the body and mind. If you attain self-realisation before physical death happens then you bo back to Dargah – Court of Immortal Timeless God and do not recycle in reincarnations anymore. Only in this human life, self-realisation is possible, that is why this life has been called priceless life in Gurbani and its very precious and we must focus on Naam Simran, truthful deeds and seva to get closer to the ultimate objective of this human life.

Bhagat Kabeer wrote:
"Jaag soe simran ras bhog||
While awake and asleep, enjoy the essence of meditative contemplation. 

Simran – Definition of Simran - Contemplative Meditation

DefinitionSimran means to remember, and is a means of contemplative meditation using repetition which enables one to realize that they are an inseparable ...


Simran means to remember, and is a means of contemplative meditation using repetition which enables one to realize that they are an inseparable part of the divine. Gurmanter a repetition which is focused on the recitation of Waheguru or the identity of the divine is known as naam simran

Simran may be performed.......:

· Anytime day or night.
· As an early morning meditation.
· Inaudibly, while listening with the mind.

As the soul merges with its maker, simran produces a kind of ecstatic state which scripture describes as an elixir of enjoyment.
Alternate Spellings: See Gurmukhi Spelling of Simran

Purpose of Simran (Meditation)

ANSWER: Purpose of Naam Simran (Meditation) is to bring God inside your mind, eventually the objective is to eliminate our human mind and replace it with Param Jyot – God and when this happens then all your senses will come under the control of God himself, you will go into an auto pilot mode – Ajaapa Jaap, simran means always remember and never forget. Meditation is always done inside, concentrate on your mind – on the middle of your forehead, above and between two eyes and continue to recite WAHEGURU in your mind.

Sunn Smadhee (Deepest Meditation) and Sleep

ANSWER: Sunn Smadhee means complete silence of mind, thoughtless stage, the mind goes into complete rest, but the simran goes on and on auto pilot in the mind, heart and in each and every cell of the body. Basically the simran in mind and heart and all over takes over and mind goes into complete silence. This is a very high spiritual stage and happens to those who go into ajapa jaap. These are the signs of sun smadhee, the entire body gets filled with amrit. When you come out of sunn smadhee, then your eyes will be very light like a flower, your entire body feels the lightness, but if you go into sleep then your eyes will become heavy and difficult to open, as we sometime say to a person who wakes up from the sleep that he is still in sleep as he is unable to open his eyes. When you go higher and higher in the spirituality then a stage comes when the frequency of naam vibrations in your physical body become very prominent, and when you come out of sun smadhee then for sometime this prominence of the vibrations remains and you can feel them physically in various areas of your body in particular the vibrations are felt in the spine, brain and heart areas more often.

Gurbani says: Sunn Smaadh Maha Parmarath, so it is a very high spiritual stage and those who are blessed with this gurprasad are very fortunate to be so. So please keep it up, this is a very high stage of naam simran. The longer you sit and go into sunn smadhee the faster you will be able to merge in the nirgun and the faster you will be able to see nirgun in sargun..

How to do meditation (difference between chanting and simran)

 Reciting with your tounge is the jaap, and not simran, reciting inside the mind is naam simran, for more details please read the gurprsaadi writings on stages of naam simran. The objective is to win over the mind, the objective is to purify the mind and heart, the objective is to glorify the mind and hirda, the objective is to plant the naam in mind and heart, then only you will be able to reach the salvation stage, then only you will be able to win over your mind, then only you will be able to purify your heart and fill it with all the divine qualities, this is a part of the puran bandgi process and that is what we have been trying to preach, to win over maya and desires is puran bandgi and for achieving that naam should go into surat and then hirda and so on as described in simran stages, so reciting naam with rasna will purify your rasna, reciting naam in mind will purify your mind, reciting naam in hirda will purify your hirda, reciting naam in rom rom will purify your rom rom, reciting naam with tounge doesn’t require any concentration, but reciting naam in mind will focus your mind and will start controlling your mind, that is what you need to do, all your thoughts should be replaced wby naam, which you cant do by just reciting with your toungue, because while doing so your mind will still be wandering around.

Doing Meditation with the tongue of the soul

 Your mind is the tounge of your soul, so focusing on your mind and reciting  in your mind will help you to get where you want to be and where you should be. Bandgi is all about bringing the mind in to complete silence – complete peace, completely thoughtlessness stage, this is when God will appear within in your ownself. In other words elimination of mind will bring all your senses directly under the control of divinity and then all you do will be truthful. Therefore winning your mind is the Bandgi. This mind is run by Maya so winning your mind will be winning Maya and winning Maya or mind is Jivan Mukti. Please feel free to ask more questions as you feel.

Visions of Saints, SatGurus, Bhagats in Meditation

Having visions of Guru Sahibs, Bhagats, Saints, Gods like  Shiva etc is good sign, this is very normal to have darshans of Gods and Goddesses while moving on this path to eternity, it is nothing to be scared about. They come in to see who is dedicated to the Gur Parsaad and doing Bandgi in this age of darkness – Kal Yug. All you have to do is that just keep on reciting WAHEGURU. Please also keep in mind that whenever you see any Sants, Brahm Gyanis, Gurus and Bhagats then please do Dandauth (Prostration Greetings) to them and kiss their feet.
Prabh Kaa Simran Sabh Tey Ooncha – Simran is the

highest of all, but at the same time along with doing Simran, Seva also helps a good deal. So doing simran and seva as well is really good.

Saas Giraas Naam Simran

Saas Giraas Simran is Akhand Simran – never stops, continous, auto-pilot mode when each and every cell of the body does Naam simran on a continous basis. This is when the entire body gets filled with Puran Parkash and amrit starts to flow out of each and every part of the body. This is a supreme eternally blessed stage that only a puran sant, a puran brahm giani who is fully absorbed in Akal Purakh only. Saas Giraas Naam Simran is not mechinal repetition of God’s name by concentrating on breaths. Saas Giraas Naam Simran happens when the soul goes into Karam Khand and Sach Khand where as mechanical repetition with breaths happens in Dharam Khand.
True meaning of the term “Rom Rom” used in Gurbani

ANSWER: When we say rom rom we mean every cell of our body and not the hair which you are referring to. Referring to rom rom as hair is a mis interpretation. Rom Rom naam simran doesn’t mean that all your hair starts to recite naam, it means that every cell of your body starts to vibrate with naam. Please read the gurprasaadi writings on rom rom naam simran posted on the website. Rom Rom naam simran is a very high spiritual stage, it comes when the sat sarovars are illuminated and activated with the naam amrit and entire body gets filled with the amrit and amrit starts to overflow from your body physically

Panch Shabad Anhad Naad (Divine Music)

ANSWER: The divine music that Gurbani describes – Panch Shabad Anhad Naad is not heard in the ears, it is not a Kanni rus, it is the real divine amrit that is heard in the Dassam Duaar (Tenth Gate)

“Anhad Shabad Dassam Duaar Vajjyeaa Taa Amrit Naam

Chuaayeea Thaa”

This divine music is heard on a continous basis –

Akhand Kirtan

that is what it is – non-stop continous stream of music and this is a very high levels of Gur Parsaad which comes in when the Bandgi goes into Karam Khand and all the Bajjar Kappaats are open including Dassam Duaar, when all Sat Sarovars are activated and ulluminated and the Amrit – Naam Simran goes into Rom Rom (each cell of the body) and the entire body gets filled with amrit.

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This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Raamkalee on SGGS Ang 971
ijh ismrin hoie mukiq duAwru ]
jih simaran hoe mukath dhuaar ||
Remembering Him in meditation, the door of liberation is found.
jwih bYkuMiT nhI sMswir ]
jaahi baiku(n)t(h) nehee sa(n)saar ||
You shall go to heaven, and not return to this earth.
inrBau kY Gir bjwvih qUr ]
nirabho kai ghar bajaavehi thoor ||
In the home of the Fearless Lord, the celestial trumpets resound.
Anhd bjih sdw BrpUr ]1]
anehadh bajehi sadhaa bharapoor ||1||
The unstruck sound current will vibrate and resonate forever. ||1||
AYsw ismrnu kir mn mwih ]
aisaa simaran kar man maahi ||
Practice such meditative remembrance in your mind.
ibnu ismrn mukiq kq nwih ]1] rhwau ]
bin simaran mukath kath naahi ||1|| rehaao ||
Without this meditative remembrance, liberation will never be found. ||1||Pause||
ijh ismrin nwhI nnkwru ]
jih simaran naahee nanakaar ||
Remembering Him in meditation, you will meet with no obstruction.
mukiq krY auqrY bhu Bwru ]
mukath karai outharai bahu bhaar ||
You will be liberated, and the great load will be taken away.
nmskwru kir ihrdY mwih ]
namasakaar kar hiradhai maahi ||
Bow in humility within your heart,
iPir iPir qyrw Awvnu nwih ]2]
fir fir thaeraa aavan naahi ||2||
and you will not have to be reincarnated over and over again. ||2||
ijh ismrin krih qU kyl ]
jih simaran karehi thoo kael ||
Remember Him in meditation, celebrate and be happy.
dIpku bWiD DirE ibnu qyl ]
dheepak baa(n)dhh dhhariou bin thael ||
God has placed His lamp deep within you, which burns without any oil.
so dIpku Amrku sMswir ]
so dheepak amarak sa(n)saar ||
That lamp makes the world immortal;
kwm k®oD ibKu kwFIly mwir ]3]
kaam krodhh bikh kaadteelae maar ||3||
it conquers and drives out the poisons of sexual desire and anger. ||3||
ijh ismrin qyrI giq hoie ]
jih simaran thaeree gath hoe ||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall obtain salvation.
so ismrnu rKu kMiT proie ]
so simaran rakh ka(n)t(h) paroe ||
Wear that meditative remembrance as your necklace.
so ismrnu kir nhI rwKu auqwir ]
so simaran kar nehee raakh outhaar ||
Practice that meditative remembrance, and never let it go.
gur prswdI auqrih pwir ]4]
gur parasaadhee outharehi paar ||4||
By Guru's Grace, you shall cross over. ||4||
ijh ismrin nwhI quih kwin ]
jih simaran naahee thuhi kaan ||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be obligated to others.
mMdir sovih ptMbr qwin ]
ma(n)dhar sovehi patta(n)bar thaan ||
You shall sleep in your mansion, in blankets of silk.
syj suKwlI ibgsY jIau ]
saej sukhaalee bigasai jeeo ||
Your soul shall blossom forth in happiness, on this comfortable bed.
so ismrnu qU Anidnu pIau ]5]
so simaran thoo anadhin peeo ||5||
So drink in this meditative remembrance, night and day. ||5||
ijh ismrin qyrI jwie blwie ]
jih simaran thaeree jaae balaae ||
Remembering Him in meditation, your troubles will depart.
ijh ismrin quJu pohY n mwie ]
jih simaran thujh pohai n maae ||
Remembering Him in meditation, Maya will not bother you.
ismir ismir hir hir min gweIAY ]
simar simar har har man gaaeeai ||
Meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, and sing His Praises in your mind.
iehu ismrnu siqgur qy pweIAY ]6]
eihu simaran sathigur thae paaeeai ||6||
This meditative remembrance is obtained from the True Guru. ||6||
sdw sdw ismir idnu rwiq ]
sadhaa sadhaa simar dhin raath ||
Forever and ever, remember Him, day and night,
aUTq bYTq swis igrwis ]
oot(h)ath bait(h)ath saas giraas ||
while standing up and sitting down, with every breath and morsel of food.
jwgu soie ismrn rs Bog ]
jaag soe simaran ras bhog ||
While awake and asleep, enjoy the essence of this meditative remembrance.
hir ismrnu pweIAY sMjog ]7]
har simaran paaeeai sa(n)jog ||7||
The Lord's meditative remembrance is obtained by good destiny. ||7||
ijh ismrin nwhI quJu Bwr ]
jih simaran naahee thujh bhaar ||
Remembering Him in meditation, you shall not be loaded down.
so ismrnu rwm nwm ADwru ]
so simaran raam naam adhhaar ||
Make this meditative remembrance of the Lord's Name your Support.
kih kbIr jw kw nhI AMqu ]
kehi kabeer jaa kaa nehee a(n)th ||
Says Kabeer, He has no limits;
iqs ky Awgy qMqu n mMqu ]8]9]
this kae aagae tha(n)th n ma(n)th ||8||9||
no tantras or mantras can be used against Him. ||8||9||