
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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10 November 2012

SIKH Prophesy / Prediction on tough times ahead in the world

Prophesy by Baba Harnam Singh Ji of Gurdwara Rampur Khera
Refer: Biography of  Baba Harnam Singh Ji of Gurdwara Rampur Khera, By Sewa Singh Ji

The sangat was getting ready to assemble for the annual meditation camp in 1975All the Singh’s started to recite simran and after about 15 minutes Baba Ji spoke in a solemn voice, ”Oh Singh’s! The future years to come are horrific for the nation.” Saying this he fell silent again. After a few minutes he spoke again, ”a time will come of such severity that once a person leaves home his family members will not know if he will return alive or not. His family will fear for his safety until he returns home.” Again Baba Ji fell silent. He continued his solemn but serious words, ”If a person is robbed or someone robs your properties by force, you will not be able to stop them. No one will hear your plea, neither the government nor the courts nor the police. Even then, circumstances will not improve. They will get from bad to worse and a time will come when your honour is in the hands of enemies. The conditions will worsen further. The bloodshed and destruction that is visible is terrifying and horrid and the soul trembles at the vision. The earth seems to be dyed with blood. In this horrific time, you will be saved neither by worldly men of influence or the government.

Only the unseen yet miraculous hand of the Almighty will save the true devotee who meditates on the name of the Lord. As the grains clinging to the central pivot survive in the grindstone so shall those survive who take the shelter of the Lord’s name and have meditation simran as their pivot. What is more even small gutka’s will not be available to the people; So, Singh’s try to learn Gurbani by heart.

After uttering these fateful words Baba Ji recited five paths of Benati Chaupai as a group and performed Ardas in front of the great Guru.


Prophesy / prediction Katha by Giani Thakur Singh Ji, Patiale Wale, Damdami Taksaal Wale.
Gyani Thakur Singh Ji in audio presents his prophesy along with summary of various other Mahapurush .......Manikaran Sahib Wale, Sant Jawala Singh Ji Harkhowal Wale etc. Text sourced from web site ‘KHOJEE’
The following recordings are of Giani Thakur Singh ji Patiala wale discussing what will happen in the future:

Prophesy on World the great destruction – By Gyani Thakur Singh Ji,

World / humanity has 3 to 5 years (from 2010) to save themselves from great destruction – whether due to natural disasters or human initiated wars

Gyani Thakur Singh Ji, explains how population of world around 8.5 arab would be reduced to 2.5 arab. Further Gyani Ji shares the predictions / prophesy by the other saints

Baba Shisha Singh Ji, Hazur Sahib Kar Seva Wale on his visited Canada in 2001. During his Diwans / lectures predicted sangat on how the houses would collapse, heaters etc wont work, for travelling to India they would have steamers / ships rather than aeroplanes.
Baba Ajit Singh Hansali Wale mahapurakh with an extremely high avastha got spiritual indication and predicted tsunami 10 days ahead.....he suddenly started saying water is coming .....water is coming........ and locked himself in his room and asked his attendant / Sevadar  Paramjeet Singh Ji not to disturb him. Took a break for a short  meal.
When Baba Ajit Singh Hansali wale opened the door after 10 days , his attendant informed on the news  of tsunami that occurred. To that news Baba Ajit Singh Hansali wale said for 10 days he kept doing meditation, path and requesting God to forgive people on Earth for their doings and the intensity decreased by 10 times in 10 days of NAAM Simran / meditation.
Baba Ajit Singh Hansali Wale has predicted further tough times to come by this public request on you tube:

These calamities have to happen since long but Saints, Peers, Holy Souls who have access to God, who have huge NAAM DI KAMAI wale spiritual accounts, have been using their bhagati / naam di kamai (credits in spiritual account) delaying such events and reducing the intensity


  1. i want to get more information on mahapurakhs and their predictions

  2. i have read the articles and predictions please keep me informed

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