
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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18 November 2012

Guru Nanak Sahib travelled to Portugal & Spain, 1520 for The Abolition of Slave-Trade. The biggest proof is the last Swayya of Bhatt.

Article Sourced from for benifit of Sangat
Copy Right 2010 Bhai Harpal Singh Kasoor.
he book" The Slave-Trade: The Story of The Atlantic Slave-Trade;1440-1870", gives an important reference of Real-Indian in Seville(Spain) in 1520 as Slaves. Satguru Nanak Sahib and Mardana Ji were treated as slaves.They stayed with the slaves from Real India, not the Indies, in 1520. Seville and Lisbon were the biggest markets of Europe for slaves.
Charles-V was the Holy Roman Emperor of Italy as well as those of Portugal and Spain.In 1519, Charles-V granted a Slaving license to his friend Gorrevod( Ref.The Slave trade: The Story of The Atlantic Slave-Trade; 1440-1870, by Hugh Thomas).
Satguru Nanak Sahib became the slave in order to release other slaves kept in a fort in Seville( Spain), and brought from real India.Almighty satguru was meditating, his hands were tied and face was covered with a piece of cloth and small ropes. Mardana Ji were also treated the same way. Almighty Satguru went to some other rooms of the castle to get some help.One co-slave came forward, but it happens to be a lady. She managed to cut the all the ropes with her teeth. In this process, some marks of woman's colour on her mouth left on the for head of Satguru. People thought that this woman had an intimate relation with this Indian Saint( Almighty Satguru). For your kind information. Satguru Nanak Sahib was called" Saint" from India and Bhai Sahib Mardana Ji was called as His music assisstant( ref." Sandy's Travels: Containing The Original And Present State of The Turkish Empire, by George Sandy, published by Crown in Little Britain, London, 1673).

The woman was abused by the people and repudiated by her husband.This woman came to Satguru Nanak Sahib, one day after this incident, and said" I have upon the way of God, rendered thee a service, and now they revile me for it. Satguru uttered" Choran Yaran Randian Kutania Diban-----" Mahalla-I, Var Suhi. He told her that this is the behaviour of Kalyug. By the way, the key of the castle(fort) got lost.Satguru Nanak Sahib answered" Tomorrow the gate of the fort be shut, but shall not be opened unless thou appliest thy hand to it". The next day inspite of all efforts to open the gate, they could not succeed and remained in great consternation.Men and beast far from water, could not go out. The inhabitants addressed themselves to all men who had a reputation, but their prayers were in vain. At last they had a recourse to Satguru Nanac Sahib, and said" O durvish, what is there to be done?". He answered " The gate shall not be opened except by the hand of a woman who never lost her virtue with a stranger". The inhabitants brought all the women who had a reputation for chastity to the gate of fort(Seville,Spain), but it remained shut: on that account they sat down hopeless. At the time of evening prayer came at last the friend of Baba Nanac to the gate.The people laughed at her; her husband her relations were ashamed and abused her.The woman, without listening to the speeches of the people, struck gate with her hand,and it opened. All men were astonished and ashamed: they fell at the feet of the woman." ( ref. Dabistan-i- Majhahib, by Mohsin Fani (1645), and by courtsey of the book" Guru Nanak in The Eyes of Non-Sikhs, by Sarjit Singh Bal, published by Publication Bureau. Panjab University Chandigarh, 1969).

The biggest proof for Saguru's visit to Portugal and Spain and North _East Africa etc. is the last Swayya of Bhatt regarding Satguru's visit to the west. Due to our ignorence and depth of the Gurbani, we are relating the different words in this Holy Swayya to different RishisThe actual meaning of this Holy Swayya is obtained through some references found in the history of Spain and Holy Roman Empire.
The last Swayya of the the Bhatt Kal confirms "Swayye Mahalle Pahle Ke---"Gun Gaway Nav Nath Dhan Gur Sach Smayo. Madhanta Gun Raway Jen Ckhrway Kahayo. Gun Gaway Bal Rao Sapat Patal Basanto. Bhar Thar Gun Uchray Sada Gur Sang Rahanto.Doorba Parurao Angare Gur Nanak Jas Gayo. Kab Kal Sujas Nanak Gur Ghat Ghat Sahaj Samayo", Holy Page No. 1390 of SGGS.

Nav-Nath= The whole World(Nav Khand Prithavi--Var Bhai Gurdas Ji)
Dhan Gur Sach Smayo= God is every where
Madhanta=Equator, who divides the World
Jen Charway Kahayo=Jithe Baba Pairh Dhare -Var Bhai Gurdas Ji
Bal= Force, Rao=King
Sapat Patal Basanto=Sapat Patal Ki Bani=Weak and not seven(Ref.PP 154 of Mahan Kosh)

Bhar =to Fill ( ref. PP 906 of Mahan Kosh).
Thar=Thaan(Place) =Every place is filled with His Holy Name.
( Ref. PP 610 of Mahan Kosh).

Doorba=Geographical range in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, Iran North-East Africa, Mediterranean And Black Sea, west Asia ( Ref. "Proceedings of The Annual Meeting, Vol.29, published by New York(state), Legislature, Assembly, 1870,--PP 270).
Durba-Dab = Grass which is grown on the both sides of the Equator, (Ref. PP 648 of Mahan Kosh).
Parurao= Pru=Purab(East), Pure di Hawa (Ref. Mahan Kosh). Rau=Water, or Sea, that is ocean of the East (Pacific Ocean)(Ref. Mahan Kosh).
Angrey= The plural of Ang=Parts of Earth on the extreme, North-Pole and South Pole(Ref. Mahan Kosh for "Ang").
Kab Kal = The poet Kal says
Sujas Nanak= Goodwill of Nanak is,like that of God ,is every where
( Ref PP 210 of Mahan Kosh). And"Gur Parmeshar Eko Jaan" Sarang Mahalla-V of SGGS. Full meaning of This Holy Swayya is given below.
The whole world (Nav Khands), worship the Almighty God, because God is every where. The both sides of the Equator remember God, and Satguru Nanak Sahib went there to make them realised that God is every where and in every human being or animal, whether one is boss or his subortinate. None has the right to enslave others.( Jen Chkrway Kahao). Every one should remember Him (The real Powerful King of this universe), when one is in power or when his voice becomes weak. Every place is filled with His Holy Name. Satguru Nank Sahib visted Doorba (Geographical Range), to preach everyone that God is in every one, and nobody has the right to enslave others, and every one is like brother and sister. God is in Doorba Region of this world, in the East lands, in North Pole, In South pole. This means we should remember that God is in all directions. The poet Kal says that Satguru Nanak Sahib has gone in all directions to spread the goodwill of God, Who is the basis of all creachers and a source of`Sahaj`. 

Now please see the physical proof the old books, rare-books which I got from University of Toronto, Museum Library and Toronto Public Rererence Library.

Satguru Nanak Sahib in a Fort in Spain---Mohsin Fani, 1645.( By Courtesy of Manjit Singh Bawa and Russian Book," Typy Hahak, 1969).


Page No. 97 Of A Rare Book Calls " Saint" From India for Satguru Nanak Sahib.


( By courtesy of Sandy's Travels: Containing The Original and Present State of Turkish Empire, published by Crown in Little Britain, London, 1673.This manuscript was completed in 1627, whereas the travels took place in 1611-1612.

Angray of SGGS, is North And South Poles.

Angrey=The plural of Ang=Parts of Earth on the extreme, North-Pole and South Pole(Ref. Mahan Kosh for "Ang").

( By courtesy of ).

Castle of Cadiz, Where Satguru Nanak Sahib Stayed With Slaves, 1520, Against Slave-Trading,The Biggest Violation of Human-Rights.


This Castle( Fort) was built in 12th century. ( By courtesy of ).

This Rare Book of 1870 Gives The Exact Definition of Doorba.


This rare book of 1870 printed in USA gives the exact definition of the word"Doorba".The Swayya of Kal Bhat on Holy Page No.1390 of SGGS.This Holy Page confirms Satguru's Last Travels.Satguru Nanak Sahib And Bhai Sahib Mardana Ji,went to Middle-East,Iran, North-East Africa,Spain, Portugal,Haiti( Latin America) , particularly Rio-de-Jinario port of human Slave Trade, Russia, Turkey, Khurasan etc.Mr. Sujan Rai Bhandari of Khalastut Twarikh has rightly written onPage No.80 that after the round of the whole world(Where slave were sold), He settled in Sri Kartarpur Sahib on Ravi River. He went to those Countries of the world, which denied the Human Rights. (This Photo of the rare-book of 1870, is taken as a courtesy of "Proceedings of The Annual Meeting, by New York(State),Legislative, Assembly, 1870).

(1)---Khalastut-Twarikh, by Sujan Rai Bhandari, translated into Gurmukhi and printed by Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala, 1972( originally prepared in 1696).
(2)--- Mahan Kosh, by Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha, published by Bhasha Vibhag, Punjab, Patiala,1978.
(3)---Sandy's Travels: Containing the Original and Present State of Turkish Empire, by Goerge Sandy, Published by Crown in Little Britain, London,1673.
(4)---Proceedings of The Annual Meetings, by New York( State), Legislative, Assembly. 1870.
(5)---Katak- Ke- Visakh, by Karam Singh Historian, published by ahore Book Shop, Ludhiana,1978( Its original edition appeared in 1912).
(7)---Travels of Guru Nanak, by Surinder Singh Kohli, Published by, Publication Bureau, Punjab University Chandigarh, 1969.
(8)---History And Philosophy of Sikh Religion, by Khazan Singh,1914, by courtesy of University of Toronto.
(9)--- Punjab Tribes, by H.A Rose, Published by Sange-Meel, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, 1978.
(10)---Sri Guru Granth Sahib Kosh, by Bhai Vir Singh, published by Singh Brothers, Amritsar,1995.

Article Sourced from for benifit of SangatCopy Right 2010 Bhai Harpal Singh Kasoor.

1 comment:

  1. Portuguese were one of the first foreigners to arrive in India after Vascodigama discovered a passage to India from Europe. They arrived sometime around when Guru Nanak was born. Even though they tried to spread Christianity in India through Goa , I am wondering if any of these visitors wrote about Sikhs in India. Now that there are a lot of Sikhs in In Lisbon and other cities in Portugal, such a research should be possible.
