
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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5 July 2012

The only one supreme karma without which all other karmas done shall not reap fruits....How to make best of our good deeds, multiply value of our good deeds by ten times and make them non diminishing too: Mahan jugti (great technique) for making Punn Karams (good deeds) become ten folds - Vachan (bachan) By Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji 6th Patshahi

Bhanu Bel Updesh Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji 6th Patshahi.
Guru Ji imparted a mahan jugti (great technique).

“Consider Remembrance , Meditating on God''s Name to be the mathematical number one, all other actions are on a par to zero. Write number one first, then by following it with a zero its value has increased by ten fold”.

“If the number one is not placed before the zeros then just zeros by themselves are valueless. These zeros hold no value in counting etc. Since it remains nothing.”

 Bhanu Behl.

 Raas 5th, Adaiy 46th.

 In Rajmahalpur lived a Sikh named Bhanoo Behl , headopted Sikhi with great love and would engage in hisduties according to Guru Ji’s matt (instructions). (1)

 He meditated upon Satnam Waheguru; he shared his food before eating it himself. He came to Sri Hargobind 

 Ji and upon placing offerings he bowed his head. (2)

 He asked the ocean of knowledge (Guru Ji) “Shaastarscontain many teachings, some praise Tapp (endurance)and Tirith (holy sites) and some say engage in Vart  Nem.” (3)

“Some do Jugg Horm , some say make donations but inthe house of Satguru the greatness is only achieved through the simran of Satnam.” (4)

“What is the difference between them? explain this. Inwhat way is the Mehmah (greatness) of Satnammore?”. Upon hearing this Guru Ji imparted a mahan jugti (great technique). (5)

“Consider Satnam to be the mathematical number one,all other actions are on a par to zero. Write number one first, then by following it with a zero its value hasincreased by tenfold”. (6)

“If the number one is not placed before the zeros then just zeros by themselves are valueless. These zeros hold no value in counting etc. Since it remains nothing.” (7)

“In this way without Satnam everything is veyarth(waste). There are some Punn Karam (good deeds) whose phall (reaction) is from beginning to end, i.e.diminishes. If one is not followed by zero then it cannot become tenfold but will remain one in itself it will not diminish.” (8)

“All other Dharam (faiths) are of the previous yugs(eras) , they can only be accomplished if man is very strong and has plentiful wealth. I Kalyug only Satnamis prominent , from this sukhah da ghar(happiness/liberation) can be attained.” (9)

“Freedom cannot be attained without Naam , withcommitting other karam hankaar (ego) is given rise to. With Hari Simran (Waheguru meditation) the mann(mind) becomes snimar (humble) , the end time is filled with sukh (pleasure).” (10)

“This is the difference , recognise this in the mind , thisis without hankaar (ego).” Bhanoo Behl filled withhappiness upon hearing this. He accepted Guru Ji’swords and took them to heart. (11)


  1. Can someone possibly elaborate on this more please? I'm finding it difficult to understand.

    1. what maharaaj is saying is that doing simran is important.With doing simran only a person ohter actions becomes fruitful

      Maharaj gave the metaphor of numbers
      Maharaaj said assume doing simran as 1 point and others as 0.
      With this 0 makes no value but the number 1(doing simran)have value(example=1 point) adding simran with others 1 and adding 0 at the back makes it 10 which multiplies it.

      Moral simran is important to ensure what we does count in god's house

      Phul chuk maaf ji
