
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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5 July 2012

Four types of Satguru (Satguru char parkaarde hunday hunn): Bachan By Sri Guru Hargobind Ji

There was a Gursikh named Chadda who’s house was in Agra. (22)

 Sikhs would gather in the dharamsala (place of worship) , do Kirtan and Naam Simran. Wherever hesaw Bhajan (Waheguru’s praises) being performed, hewould do abundant seva there. (23)

 He would come to Sri Guru Hargobind Ji and did sevawith great love. One day whilst sitting by Guru Ji , withclasped hands he humbly requested. (24)

“Heh Satguru Ji by which method do you save Sikhs?  By imparting gunn (good habits) and eradicating Augunn (vices etc.)?” Upon hearing this Guru Ji said “Satguru char parkaarde hunday hunn (there are four types of Satguru).” (25)

“Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the foremost amongst the four , whose naam being just heard causes the Jamm(grim reaper) to let go. One Guru is akin to Titli (butterfly like) , it takes any category of Keedah(insect)”. (26)

"Upon keeping them safe in its house for a long time ,the keedah (insect) too becomes a titli. It transformsany variety of keedah into its own form , but it can beseen that not all keedah become titli it only selects onekind to transform into a titli." (27)

"One Guru is like Paras (touchstone), if any one type of metal comes into contact with it then it will turn it intogold but cannot make the metal into Paras (touchstone)itself. It will not impart its power to anyone/anythingetc." (28)

"One Guru is like Bavan Chandan (fragranced tree),during a particular season it will fragrant all the treesthat are nearby it. This can only be done during a particular season and not all the time." (29)

"One Satgur is on a par with a diva (candle like device),if another diva comes into contact with it then it canlight that up too provided that the diva comes to it withtel (oil) and batti (wick)." (30)

"Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Param Kirpaloo (supremeblessings), if anyone becomes a Sikh with Sharda(faith), reads and listens to Satguru Ji's Bani thenhe/she will slowly become a Brahm Gyani (havingdivine knowledge)." (31)

"Their Atmah becomes Anand May (blissful), if theywish they too can make others like them. There is notechnique required other than meeting with Satsangat (holy congregation)." (32)

"From this Kalyan (liberation) is attained, the bandan(shackles) of births and deaths become naash(destryoyed)." Chaddha became an eagerdevotee of Satsangat after hearing this beautiful Updesh (teachings). (33)

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