
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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5 July 2012

Who is Saint (Sant)? How does a saint be like? How to identify a holy person or a saint, what would be his attributes: Sant Characteristics & Attributes by 6th Patshahi, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji

Sant Characteristics Updesh 6th Patshahi

There was a Sikh named Tirith , he worked in the king’sarmy. He arrived in the Sharan (sanctuary) of Sri  Hargobind Sahib. With clasped hands he said.(11)

“I spend all day in my work , I cannot take time out for Naam Simran. How will we attain salvation? “ Gur Ji gave updesh , as such:- (12)

“Do the seva of Sants on a daily basis , give them food and clothes. A person who gives a cow grass and feed ,he alone attains the milk”.(13)

“In the same way serve the Sadh , they will become pleased and will impart the easy route to udaartah(salvation). Then that person becomes accustomed to Bhagat Gyan (Devotional knowledge).(14)

“How will I recognise a Sant?” he asked upon hearingthis , “the person that I need to serve”. At that point  Satguru Ji imparted a technique , “A king desired”.(15)

“How can I see Hans (swan like creatures) with myown eyes?”, so he started doing seva of many panchi (birds) in his palaces. He feed all the panchi with avaried choga (feed). Panchi came from near and  far.(16)

Upon pecking the choga the panchi’s would spread the praise of this place at the Maan Sarovar ( gathering place). The Hans there heard the praise and said to the

rest that we too shall go to the palaces of the king.(17)

We will go there and show devotion , where panchi pickthe feed daily. As such a pair of Hans arrived there and showed themselves.(18)

Upon seeing them the people informed the King. Theking was overjoyed and brought along with him milkand pearls which he placed in front of the pair of Hans.The Hans separated the water and drank the milk and ate the pearls.(19)

They regurgitated round precious gems. They flew backoff to their own abode. The king was overwhelmed ashe collected the gems.(20)

When the gems were taken to the Jauri (jeweller) theking was then informed that these gems are worthmore than his entire kingdom. And that is why do theseva of all , the ones that come to you will grace youwith Brahm Gyan (Divine Knowledge).(21)

 Bhai Tirth became estatic upon hearing Guru Ji’s Bachan and started the sukhdayak (pleasure giving)seva of Sants. He would achieve bliss by meditating onWaheguru and ultimately he merged with Guru in theend.(22) 
“What attributes do Sant have?”
Phaava Dhero was a Sikh who lived in Ujjain whoengaged in Bhaghti of Guru Ji in his home. He would listen to kirtan and also do kirtan. He would sleep fortwo pehar (three hours) at night.(23)
 He would do bhaghti for the remaing six pehar. By attending Satsangat he became very wise. He would come to Guru Ji after six months , upon seeing guru Ji he would be filled with bliss.(24)
“What attributes do Sant have?” he asked Guru Ji oneday. “What are the lachan (characteristics) of Sant?” Then Sri Hargobind Ji said. “There is a Satguru slokwhich describes a sant”.(25
Whoever has these six qualities, O Nanak, is called a Holy friend.40
The person who has received the Mantar of the Naamof the Prabhu Malik (Waheguru Ji) and who engages inthe simran of the omnipresent Lord.
Who considers pain and happiness as the same , whoseactions are pure and without hate.Who is compassionate towards all things and has acontrol over the five vices. Who’s intake is eulogising
Waheguru Ji and remains unaffected by maya in thesame way that a lotus flower is unaffected bysurrounding mud etc.
Who serves friends and foes on the same level and onlyhas love for Waheguru devotion.
Who doesn’t listen with own ears to the nindya(slander) of others and who kills their own ego tobecome the dust of all. Whosoever possesses theses six attributes , heh Nanak their name is mitr (friend) , Sant and full human.
Who engages in Naam Simran and who sees Waheguruin everyone , remains stable in sorrow and happiness.Who is pure , without hatred , and Nirala (detached) ,always remains attached to Prabhu.(26)

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