
Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran

Pargat Roop of Guru Nanak Ji from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Nanaksar Sahib, Kaleran
This Swaroop of Guru Nanak Ji at Gurudwara Nanaksar, Kaleran, Punjab, has been painted while Guru Nanak Ji apppeared to Pooran Mahapurush Baba Nand Singh Ji in physical form from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Sahib's vachan - GURU GRANTH JI MANYO PARGAT GURAN KI DEH came into being.

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19 April 2019

Guru Gobind Singh Ji reply to "what type of incarnation was the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji". Was he incarnation of Lord Vishnu or Supreme Lord God himself.

Here is the translations from Sri Japji Sahib tika by pooran Brahmgyani, Tatvgyani, Sant Gurbachan Singh ji Bhindranwale of Dam Dami Taksal :

One day while Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji were holding a congregation one of the Sikhs asked. What type of incarnation was the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and were they independent and complete?

According to Hindu belief there are many types of incarnations but for God there are six. These are the following; -

- Ansa Avtar
- Avesha Avtar
- Nit Avtar
- Namitak Avtar
- Pooran Avtar
- Pooran Tam Avtar

To this question Guru Gobind Singh Ji answered the following; -

1) *Ansa Avtar* is an incarnation of the Lord in the form of a righteous king. They treat all of the people of their kingdom as if they were their own children and care for them as a father would do for his offspring. An example of this type of incarnation is that of *King Manu or King Prithu*.

2) *Avesha Avtar* is an incarnation or a divine form of God. This is a form of God, which is initially born or created without any powers however through the love devotion and meditation of the Lords name that individual gains powers. An example of this incarnation is one of *Vishnu jis incarnation by the name Parasram*. When he was initially born he had no powers but through the worship of God he gained spiritual powers.

3) *Kalaa Avtar* is an incarnation in which for the sake of the world or for a certain need have some types of powers. Such as *Vishnu jis first two Avtars of Mach and Kach*. In the form of Mach Avtar, which was an incarnation in the form of a fish, he had two powers in order to destroy the demon known and Sankhasar and save the Vedas from the depth of the sea. In the form of the Kach Avtar , which was the incarnation in the form of a tortoise, he had two powers out of the sixteen so that he could balance the Sumer Mountain on his back so that the ocean could be churned. These incarnations are distinct to the rest of the people of the world and are known as Kalaa Avtars.

4) *Nit Avtar is the form of God as a saint on earth*. These are Sants, Mahapurkh, Brahmgiani, etc. They come to the earth in order to spread the conventional rules, traditions and practices of the meditation of God to the people

5) *Namit Avtar* is an incarnation, which comes to the earth in order to complete a certain task, and following this disappears. An example of this is when the devotee of God by the name of Prahlad was in danger *Vishnu ji assumed the form of Narsingh* and came to protect him. *Vishnu ji also assume the form of Bavan Avtar* in order to trick King Bali into giving the control of the Heavens and Earth back to the demi gods. Following both of the incarnations completing their specific tasks they disappeared.

6) *Pooran Avtar* is the incarnation of *Sri Krishna and Sri Ram Chandar* out of the 24 incarnations of Vishnu ji, Sri Ram Chandar had 14 of the 16 powers while Sri Krishna possessed all 16 powers.

The sixteen powers or qualities possessed by the incarnations are the following; -

Knowledge, Attention, Virtuous Acts, Persistence, Moderation, Faith, Charity, Skill, Meditation, Loving Acts, Control over Passion, Spiritualism, Mercy, Solemn Promise, Intelligence and a Clear Mind.

There are another sixteen powers or qualities possessed by the incarnations which are written about. These are the following; -

Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky, Vital Air for Breathing, Organs, Name of God, Actions, Faith, Place in Society, Devotion, Incantation, Desire, Semen and Physique

After explaining this the congregation asked, Are Guru Nanak Dev Ji the same as the Pooran Avtar or do they not possess all of the qualities?

Guru Gobind Singh Ji replied, Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not lack any of the qualities. They however were greater for five reasons.


Guru Gobind Singh Ji went on to explain the five qualities.

1) *Shakti* - This means powers.

Sri Ram Chandar showed his powers to his mother Kashuliya. When his mother went to pray to the goddess at that point Sri Ram Chandar replaced the image of the goddess with himself to show her his powers.

Sri Krishna also showed his powers to his mother Devki. He pretended to eat some dirt so when she forced him to open his mouth and see what he had eaten he showed that he had the whole of creation in his mouth. She saw the complete universe. During the Mahabharat war Sri Krishna showed his disciple Arjan a divine form of himself called the Vairat Saroop (explained further on).

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were born in the village of Talwandi and at that moment they showed their mother Mata Tripta Ji and aunt their miracle. At the ambrosial hour all of the demi gods came to worship Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. They sat Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on a throne and started to worship them and bow to them. They rubbed sandalwood into the skin of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and placed a garland of flowers around their neck. They then made a supplication to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and said, O protector of the meek and true king. You are the transcendent formless being. You have taken this form and come to the world in order to save the world and all of humanity. You are also the protector of all of the demi gods. In this way the demi gods were making supplications to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. At that point Mata Tripta awoke and wondered who was around her son and revering him? At that point all of the demi gods disappeared. She saw that her son had marks of saffron and sandalwood all over him and on his forehead and the smell of the sandalwood was overwhelming. At that point Mata Tripta Ji gained full faith that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was indeed the incarnation of the divine Lord. But at that moment in order to conceal the powers of Guru Nanak Dev Ji he covered his mothers mind in the veil of illusion, which is called Maya. Just as a child cries in order to get milk that is what Guru Nanak Dev Ji did, by doing so Mata Tripta Ji forgot what had just occurred and became attached to her child. For this reason they are no less then Sri Ram Chandar and Sri Krishna in the amount of power they possess.

They are greater however due to other miracles. Whilst being asleep a cobra provided Guru Nanak Dev Ji with shade. Another occasion the shade of a tree covered them with shade even though the shade was in a different direction to all the others. They replenished a field with its entire crop when cows had eaten all of the harvest. In Medina the grave of the Islamic prophet paid their salutations to Guru Nanak Dev Ji. In Mecca the Kabba turned in the direction that Guru Nanak Dev Ji faced their feet. It is still in the direction that Guru Nanak Dev Ji had their feet pointing. Guru Nanak Dev Ji made the soap nuts on a tree they were sitting under taste sweet and are still to this day and can be eaten. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took all of the powers away from the Sidhs and then later returned them. Guru Nanak Dev Ji imprinted their palm print in a rock that was being hurled at them. Guru Nanak Dev Ji parted rivers and mountains in order to gain access to the other side when travelling. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was able to walk on water as if it was land. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was able to show a person thousands of heavens and underworlds in a second. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was able to make a boiling cauldron turn cold in a second. These are but a few examples of how great Guru Nanak Dev Ji were and how their powers were superior.

The other incarnations used their powers to increase their popularity and greatness. Guru Nanak Dev Ji used their powers in order to make other people learn the correct path and believe in one God. They did not do it in order to make them more popular.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed their powers in order to save others and to destroy their ego. In order to destroy Vali Kandhari's ego they took his water from him. They prevented Gorakh Nath from having the strength to pick up a piece of wheat to destroy their ego.

For these reasons Guru Nanak Dev Ji have an endless amount of powers. They have no powers less then any other incarnations but have more and are greater. They are the holders of great power.

Sri Krishna was the possessor of 16 powers but Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had an infinite number of powers and was the incarnation of the divine Lord.

2) *Viaktee* - This is the name for the form of a being.

The form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is greater then that of all of the other incarnations. Throughout the whole life of Sri Ram Chandars life and Sri Krishnas life they never grew any facial hair. During the youthful years of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji life when they had no facial hair we can say that there form was equal to the other incarnations. Then a beautiful beard grew on the form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji so that other saints would recognise them and their form became greater.

*In the treta age when Sri Ram Chandar went to marry Sita they left Ayodhiya to go to Janakpur in order to meet her. All of the of the royal maidens were enchanted by the beauty of Sri Ram Chandar. Due to this Sri Ram Chandar told them that he would satisfy their needs in the Dwaper age.*

*In the Dwaper age the royal maidens assumed the form of the Gopis and Sri Krishna tended to their physical and sexual needs.*

Due to the forms of both Sri Ram Chandar and Sri Krishna they caused lust with the opposite sex and could not eradicate this cardinal sin.

When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to the area of Sangla Deep, which is now referred to as *Sri Lanka all of the beautiful women tried to enchant Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji through the power of the word of God destroyed the lust that was in the heart of the beautiful women. By singing the gospel of the Lord and saying the name of God they were able to bring peace to the hearts of the beautiful women. They no longer lusted and by seeing the Guru they were forever in bliss and were at peace.*

Due to being able to dispel the lust in others the form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was greater then that of the other incarnations.

3) *Pragya* - This is the name of a persons knowledge of God and the name of God.

Sri Ram Chandar made Rishi Vashisht their spiritual master. They spent 68 days with them in which they learned the Vashisht Puran in order to gain the divine knowledge of God. He then spent 8 days with Rishi Vishwamitar who he adopted as his master in martial arts from who they learned the knowledge of weapons.

Sri Krishna made Rishi Darbasha their spiritual master. They spent 8 days with then in which they learned the scriptures in order to gain the divine knowledge of God. He then spent 64 days with Rishi Sandeepan who he adopted as his master in martial arts from who they learned the knowledge of weapons.

The father of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Baba Kaliyan Chand (Kalu Ji) took their son to the teacher Gopal Pandhay in order to study. They went on the first day in accordance to what his parents wanted and learned the alphabet. The second day they went they just remained silent. Even when Gopal Pandhay told him to read Guru Nanak Dev Ji ignored him. Gopal Pandhay then asked, All of the other children are reading and learning. Why are you not doing the same? Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, All these things that you are teaching can be erased. One should learn those things that stay with an individual. The teacher thought to himself and said to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, I am unable to teach this to you, I only know how to teach mathematics and basic language. With your grace please tell us of this knowledge you want to be taught.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji in answer to this sang the word of God. After hearing this divine hymn Gopal Pandhay was reassured about what Guru Ji wanted to hear and it was about the divine Lord. By giving this short discourse Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji exalted and delighted Gopal Pandhay.

On the third day when Baba Kaliyan Chand came to the school with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, they asked Gopal Pandhay to teach their son.

Gopal Pandhay said, Your son is the creator of all of the knowledge. Do not worry about him learning. They are not here to learn but will teach others instead.

Due to this Baba Kaliyan Chand took Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Mulla Noor Deen in order to learn Farsi. Again on their first day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said a hymn, which was a divine message from God.

By doing this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught the people they were supposed to learn from rather then gaining knowledge from their teachings. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave the Mulla divine knowledge and exalted them.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji never made any person their spiritual master. Rather the people they were sent to learn from became their disciples and accepted Guru Nanak Dev Ji as their spiritual master.

*The other incarnations for a small number of days adopted spiritual masters in order to gain knowledge. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was unique in the way that they already had divine knowledge and never needed to learn from another.*

Unlike the other incarnations Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji never had to learn the knowledge of weapons. They used the word of God as a metaphysical weapon to destroy the vices of other people. Due to the greater knowledge of the word of God and using it as a weapon Guru Nanak Dev Ji were greater then any other incarnation. Many philosophers and Sikh writers do suggest that they did have complete knowledge of weapons but never used them. They passed this knowledge onto one of their devotees by the name of Baba Buddha Ji to teach the Sikhs when they needed it. Baba Buddha Ji were later the teacher of marital arts to the sixth Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Hargobind Ji.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not have less intelligence then that of the other incarnations but more. The intelligence that they possessed was infinite and greater then all others. No other incarnation even came close to the intelligence and knowledge possessed by Sri Guru Nanak Ji.

4) *Kartab* This is ones show of skill.

In the age of Treta the life of Sri Ram Chandar lasted for 10,000 years. During that time the only time they showed their skill when they were exiled for 14 years. During that time Ravan kidnapped the wife of Sri Ram Chandar. Due to this Ram and Ravan waged war against each other. Ram killed the demon Ravan and freed his wife Sita and the other demi gods that had been captured. After killing Ravan, Ram appointed Bhabhikhan as the new ruler of Sri Lanka. After the 14 years of exile he went back to rule the kingdom of Ayodhiya. Whilst he was ruling he made a promise that no child should die before their mother and father. After making this promise a son of a Brahman who lived in Ayodhiya died. The Brahman came to Sri Ram Chandar and accused him of being a liar. He stated that Sri Ram Chandar had no power as the promise that he made failed. He said if he did have the power then he should make his son come back to life.

Sri Ram Chandar asked the Brahman why this child had died. He was told it was due to a person of a low caste had started to meditate in the jungle, he stated this was the only reason why the child had died.

At that time a male of the low caste by the name of Sanboock was hung upside down in a well meditating on the Lord. Sri Ram Chandar went to that location and beheaded Sanboock and brought the son of the Brahman back to life. This account is written about in both the Balmik Ramayan and the Sri Dasam Granth.

By accident Sri Ram Chandar fought against his sons Love and Kush. His sons injured or killed his entire army including Sri Ram Chandar. Only due to the goodness of Sita he was brought back to life. Still Sri Ram Chandar passed the reign of the kingdom over to his two sons. This was due to his attachment with his family.

Sri Krishna after killing Kans he placed his maternal grandfather named Ugarsain on the throne to rule the kingdom. This showed his attachment to his family.

However Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for the first 28 years stayed in the city of Sultanpur and worked in the granary. After doing this they went into the Beas River and went to heaven there. Here they adopted God as their only spiritual master. They were given the root incantation here and following which saved all of humanity with the knowledge of the Lord. They travelled far and wide doing this. They did not speak of any other demi god or prophet other then God.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not show any attachment to their sons but showed may feats of skill. Instead of installing one of their sons in their position they appointed one of their disciples.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji met many evil kings such as Devloot, Lajvarad and Babur. Rather then killing them they gave them knowledge in order to make them understand the message of God and to help humanity. The demon Kauda, the thieves Bhumai and Sajjan were made to repent what they were doing and became saints. They made all the evil people good with the teachings they imparted. They saw no difference between social class, gender, age, etc and imparted the same message to all the people of the world.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in order to avoid many troubles showed much skill.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not show any less skill then any other incarnation. They actually showed greater skill then all others.

5) *Aayoo* - these are acts performed for others good.

Sri Ram Chandar lived for 10,000 years. Due to listening to the Brahmans they killed a person of a low caste. They also handed the reign of the land to his two sons.

Sri Krishna lived for 1,000 years. He believed Jadva to be an egotistical person due to this he got Rishi Darbasha to curse him so that he would die.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a king and a saint at the same time. In order to bring any other being back to life they never killed another. By bringing that person back to life they would give them the name of God so that they could save and bring back to life many other people.

This is the same with the 3rd, 5th, 9th and 10th Sikh Gurus. The third Guru, Sri Guru Amar Das Ji whilst the spiritual master of the Sikhs for 22 years no one died in the village of Gobindwal. No matter if old or young no one died during the 22 years that Sri Guru Amar Das Ji was in the city of Gobindwal. No one was ill as well. This showed that the Gurus of the Sikhs were greater then that of the incarnations.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji lived for 70 years and during that time travelled more then Sri Ram Chandar and Sri Krishna did. Sri Ram Chandar and Sri Krishna never travelled further then Indian and Sri Lanka. Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to Kashmir, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Tibet, Sikam, Burma, Africa, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Russia. They travelled to these countries and more all by foot. In the ballads written by Bhai Gurdas Ji it states the Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji actually travelled the whole world and met all the people of all nations. Guru Nanak Dev Ji saved that many souls that they cannot all be accounted for.

In such a small life Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji helped an infinite number of people. They got the root incantation from heaven and spread it through the seven lands of India and all of the continents throughout the world. They taught all the people to meditate on the name of the one true Lord. They started the faith of Sikhism. They created the true congregation. They made other people meditate on the Lord.

As of all of the good things that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji did during such a short span of life none of the other incarnation did.

*The examples show that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not lack any Shakti, Viaktee, Pragya, Kartab and Aayoo considering they had a shorter life then any of the other incarnations. If they are an incarnation they cannot be seen as any less of an incarnation then a Pooran Avtar*. If they are a Pooran Avtar they are not like Vishnus incarnations of Sri Ram Chandar or Sri Krishna. Sri Ram Chandar possessed 14 divine qualities while Sri Krishna possessed 16 divine qualities. However in the age of Kaljug having 16 divine qualities was not sufficient. For this reason Guru Nanak Dev Ji possessed an infinite number of divine qualities. *This made Guru Nanak Dev Ji greater then the two greatest incarnations of Vishnu. Guru Nanak Dev Ji were themselves God incarnated on the earth.*

The congregation heard this and asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji, We believe that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as a divine incarnation and a complete one. But tell us what authenticity you have to say that they are complete?

*Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, There are three types of authenticity that I can give you. They are the Vedic authenticity, Lokik authenticity and Svai authenticity.*

Guru Gobind Singh Ji went on to explain all three.

1) *Vedic authenticity* - This is where the proof of the incarnation is written about in the scriptures.

Examples of this are written about in the Gopal Tapnee Upanishad, Surtee Parmaan & the Bhagvat Da Parmaan.

Another example to show that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are commonly regarded as God is written about in the Bhavishat Puran. Guru Nanak Dev Jis arrival on earth was predicted by *Rishi Ved Vyas who wrote in the Bhavishat Puran 12 saloks in the 24th Adhayi (stanza). In this text it is written that in the Dark Age Guru Nanak Dev Ji will be the saviour of the world. These can be found from salok 33 to 44.*

2) *Lokik authenticity* - This is where people from the period of time of the Gurus wrote their own facts about the messengers of God.

An example of this is the writings of Bhai Gurdas Ji who state that Guru Nanak Dev Ji are themselves God incarnate. They state this in // 1 stanza 23, // 28 stanza 1 and // 38 stanza 20.

The bhatts (bards) also wrote in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji also state that Guru Nanak Dev Ji were God themselves incarnate.

Without Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with their other forms as Gurus including with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, there would never have been another incarnation or prophet who was equal to God. In the Bihangam Marg book and the Janam Sakhi it states that *when Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were in heaven God said to them, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji I am the transcendent God and you are the non transcendent God. Between us and yourself there is no difference.*

This story again shows that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the complete incarnation of God and no other.

3) *Svai authenticity* - This is the authenticity written by the following Gurus after Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Examples of this are in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji where the other Gurus have stated Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is God.

The three authenticities show that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were in fact God and not an incarnation of any demi god. They were a complete incarnation.

Sri Ram Chandar were an incarnation of power and the ideal way of life. They were an incarnation attributed to truth.

Sri Krishna were an incarnation where they were attributed to passion and royalty. They played the role of the king and were filled with passion. Sri Krishna married 16,108 Gopis.

Parasram was an incarnation where they were attributed to the darkness and evil. This is due to him destroying the social class of the Kashatris 21 times during his life.

All three of these are incarnations of the demi god Vishnu and possessed all the three main virtues.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji possessed all of the virtues but were the form of God.

4 February 2016

Names for God used in Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Sikh Gurus & Bhagats & Devotees

Many names for God are used in Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Gurus and various other devotees at various places. The Name Hri appears 8344 times, Ram 2533 times, Gopal (Sustainer of the Earth = Krishna) 491 times, Gobind (The One Who takes care of the Earth = Krishna) 475 times, Prabhu 1371 times, Murari (Enemy of Mur Raksh = Vishnu, Krishna) 97 times, Narayan (The One who rests on water) 85 times, Allah 46 times, Bhagwan 30 times, Madhav (consort (dhava) of the Mother (Ma), or Mahalaksmi, the Mother of the universe) 27 times, Krishna 22 times, Rab 17 times, Narsingh (Incarnation of Vishnu with head of tiger and body of man) 16 times, Damodar (tied by rope (dama) around the belly (udara), Krishna) 15 times, Banwari (the one living in the groves of Vrindavan = Krishna) 15 times, Waheguru 13 times, and Madhu Sudan (Enemy of Madhu Raksh = Vishnu, Krishna) 9 times. Thus the Bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib encourage universal brotherhood.

One thing also came to my notice that the word Waheguru (ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ) which is made from the combination of two words "Wahe" from Persian word "Wah" meaning wonderful or wow and Sanskrit word "Guru" thus meaning Wonderful Guru was never used by Sikh Gurus. 
Word Waheguru comes 16 times in SGGS on page 1402 & 1403 in Sawayias Mehlay Chauthay K 4 (containing praises of Guru Ramdas) composed by Bhatt Gyand

SAKHI: Sikh Guru's Body is made up of Divine Light (Prakash Sahiban da shareer nira prakash da bana hunda hai) - maas hadi da nahi - Must Watch kirtan by Sant Waryam singh ji

Sikh Guru Sahiban da shareer nira prakash da bana hunda hai - haad maas da nahi

Oh sade warga shareer dharan karlende han apni divya Yog Maya nal


Must Watch kirtan

by Sant Waryam singh ji


ਮਾਘਿ ਮਜਨੁ ਸੰਗਿ ਸਾਧੂਆ ਧੂੜੀ ਕਰਿ ਇਸਨਾਨੁ ॥
ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇ ਸੁਣਿ ਸਭਨਾ ਨੋ ਕਰਿ ਦਾਨੁ ॥



'' TAPO RAAZ - RAZO NARAK '' .(Sakhi about ADOLF HITLER) - BACHAN BY: Bhagwaan Baba Maha Harnam Singh Ji Bhucho Kalan


Mahapurkh gyan bakshde hoye dasde hunde san ki bhai duniya vich jo jo v kise ne punn karam kite han oho jeha hi nirankaar ne oh insan nu duniya vich rutba baksheya hai ,kalyug ne v bahut bhari tappaseya krke raaz leya hai .

Daas ne kuj sikh-kattarpanthia de fb-pages te links aur posts dekhiya san jis vich ki khotte karma waleya dwara es gal da mazak udaya gya c ki ''Bhuchon wale kehnde han ki HITLER ne v bhucon tapaseya kiti hai , so eh gallan hai tan aam insan di soch ton pare par haan je mahapurkhan di mehar ho jawe fer eh gallan samjh aan vich der nai lagdi , hilter ne apne pichle janam vich bhuchon di dharti te tapp kita c,eh hi nai parvati mata , malka ,shiv ji ,raja janmeja hor guptt te pargat anek avtara devi devteya aur faqeeran ne tapp kita hai aur deen duniya vich rutbe hasil kite han so bhagti de punn sadka hitler nu duniya da raaz mileya par jiven wadde wadde tapasvi duryodhan ,harnakash , raavan da antt hoya oh kyu hoya kyunki apni bhagti nu ehna ne bure paase laaya c te nirankaar walo avtaran nu hukam hoya ki je eh shakti wale han tan tusi v ehna nu apni maha-shakti dwara hi ehna de sab punn khatam krke fer ehna nu maarna hai , ese layi baba ji kehnde hunde san ki ''je kise da antt krna howe tan pehla usde sab punn khatam krr devo fer oh apne aap marr janda hai'' es tareeke nal aurangzeb mareya c kyunki lakhan hazara sufi hindu fakeer osne qatal krwaye san fer jado usde punn khatam ho gye fer sahib dasam-pita ne zafarnama likhke osdi rooh nu narka vich bhej ditta ,eh tareeke hunde han jugtiya hundiya han shakti nu shakti nal maran di ,par eh insani soch ton pare diya gallan han , so hitler ne v ehi paap karam kite te 2.50crore bandeya da qatak hitler ne krwaya c te ohna 2.50crore lokan de qatal de sadka hitler de sab pichli bhagti wale punn khatam ho gye san te antt vich osne apne aap nu goli maar layi te apna sadeevi niwas narka vich krr leya . jo v ajj wadde wadde ameer wajeer duniya vich raaz krr rahe han eh sab aam insan nai han eh sab tapasvi han pichle janma de tan is janam ch raaz mileya hai , 

Maharaja patiala bhupinder singh ne v pichle janam ch baba ji maha harnam singh ji nal tapp kita c fer esne raaz mangeya fer raaz mileya te fer paap kite raaz laike fer antt vich bimari nal marr gya .

, bhupinder singh da akhri vela baba nand singh ji ne sambhaleya c te eh hukam bhuchon wale krke gye c ki tusi antt da vela sambhalna hai bhoope da , tadd baba ji pehli baar kise de darr te gye san aur jado baba ji mehlan ton bahar aaye udo top chall pyi c ki raja shareer shadd gye hai fer 101akhand path krwaye san usde namit fer agge toreya c . . .

So eh hai TAPO RAAZ-RAAZO NARAK , eh raaz bhaag sirf tapasviya di mann di vashna krke milda hai te jisne tapp krke koi duniyavi mangg mangi hai nirankaar kolo tan sahib dasde san ki usnu raaz de nal paap karam v fer krne hi painde han ese layi baba ji kehnde san ki bhayi Naam japke mangiye kuj na te milda sab kuj hai , baba nand singh ji ne esa tapp kita jisdi misal 144yuan vich v nai mildi te mangeya kewal guru nanak ese layi ohna di dargah vich v pooja hundi hai te maatlok -paatal-lok 14lokan vich ohna di jai jai kaar ho rahi hai . 


Hitler & Queen Victoria did Spiritual Practices in Holy Land Of Punjab (India) in their earlier incarnations / lives ( did jap tap at Dera Rumi, Bhuchon Mandi !!) ... Bhachan of Dhan dhan sant maha harnam singh ji

Hitler & Queen Victoria did jap tap at Dera Rumi, Bhuchon Mandi !! ... Dhan dhan sant maha harnam singh ji

Dera Rumi, Bhuchon Mandi wich hitler te queen victoria ne tapasia keete c ... Dhan dhan sant maha harnam singh ji de bachan

Importance of Mediating / NAAM ABHYAS of Shabad WAHEGURU & its use (pratap) in our daily life

ਸੋਰਠਿ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ 
ਅਪਨਾ ਗੁਰੂ ਧਿਆਏ ॥ ਮਿਲਿ ਕੁਸਲ ਸੇਤੀ ਘਰਿ ਆਏ ॥ ਨਾਮੈ ਕੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ ॥ ਤਿਸੁ ਕੀਮਤਿ ਕਹਣੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਸੰਤਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਆਰਾਧਹੁ ॥ ਹਰਿ ਆਰਾਧਿ ਸਭੋ ਕਿਛੁ ਪਾਈਐ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਗਲੇ ਸਾਧਹੁ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਭਗਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਲਾਗੀ ॥ ਸੋ ਪਾਏ ਜਿਸੁ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ॥ ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇਆ ॥ ਤਿਨਿ ਸਰਬ ਸੁਖਾ ਫਲ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੨॥੧੨॥੭੬॥ {ਅੰਗ 627}


Kalyug started 5000 years ago just after Dwapar Yug when Lord Krishan left for his eternal abode and handed over kingdom to Parikshat. King Parikshit was the grandson of Arjun & son of Abhimanyu. 

One day King got a drishti / vision of Kalyug and requested to allow a stay in his kingdom in some form or the other. At last King Parikshat agreed for kalyuga to enter n reside in gold in his kingdome.

While the discussion continued, kalyug frightened King with the kind of fall in morals & conduct hat will enetr not only individual life but in dharma, in places of worhsips also.

Then kaliyuga also gave an advantage of his period (yug) visa vis earlier 3 periods (yugas).

10,000 years of jap tap in Sat Yug
= 1,000 years of jap tap in Treta Yug
= 100 of jap tap in Dwapar Yug
= 2 & 1/2 hours a day of naam sadhna in Kal Yug

So then some time later, while King Parikshat wore a gold crown, King was on his way in a forest and came across a sage with whom he inquired on some subject. Getting no response, king got in a rage and (while his was wearing a Gold Crown) kalyug faded away Kings great Intellect & wisdom. King thought of sage not following his instruction intentionally and he put a snake around the neck of sage.

Where as the sage was in state of dasam dawar samadhi and any one with even lower intellect (in that period) could have guessed.

in response to this disrespect to their sage, deciepels gave a curse to king that he shall die and gave a limited time for it to occur. After knowing all sage called king and informed him on curse by his deciepels . after which king planned his death as coming was imminent.

So a great King Parikshat, a man of so great intellect  values & morals that Lord Krishna him self chose him to be the King also got deluded by Kalyug.



How to get free from Anger - Krodh ( The five vices, panch doot )

Lets See form below mentioned quotes how Guru Sahib gives the world a prescription to handle worlds most common n over powering MONSTER residing inside us 
 Called " Anger" (gurbani calls it CHANDAL) 

Gurbani says, ANGER is only a symptom shown over our BODY but where as the actual disease is in our MIND - our HUNGER for pride, desires & attachment, it results in an anger. 

Above posted Guru Sahib's prescription is for CURING our MIND from this disease -   HUNGER but with a CONDITION:

(1) first one must have un wavering belief that Guru Nanak Sahib n Gurbani - both are are forms of Nirankar.

(2) and 100%  belief in curing power of path / simran that we shall do as daily routine -Sri Japji / Sukhmani Sahib / waheguru simran.

(3) "Our 100% of "mind" needs to be present in each word we utter.

Then this way done daily repetition of gurbani will start curing our "mind" from disease - ever increasing desires, pride n attachment. 

Sant Bhai Maskeen ji explains briefly from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji maharaj:

(1) LOBH - nahi poora hoya te banega KRODH

(2) MOH - nahi poora hoya te banega KRODH

(3) AHANKAR : nahi poora hoya te banega KRODH

(4) VAASNA : nahi poori hoyi te bane gi KRODH

Bhul chook di khima ji 🙏 

28 June 2013

ALL TURBAN WEARING MEN ARE NOT TALIBAN OR IRANI: don't be surprised to find that there are many more faiths & religions & pre historic period civilizations which have given utmost importance to this head gear.

In world Turbans are synonymous with Sikhs & Afghans, however don't be surprised to find that there are MANY FAITHS OF NON INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ORIGIN in modern & pre historic period which have given utmost importance to this head gear.

The name "turban" is found in this form in European languages:

The English word turban is believed to have come from the Persian word dulband, a word which is also thought to be the etymological predecessor of "tulip" and of the Spanish word for hammerhead shark, torbandalo.
Greek--turban, English--turban, turbaned; French--turban, tulband; German--turban; Italian, Spanish and Portugese--turbante; Dutch--tulbans; Romanian--tulipan; in Latin, it is the miter; and it is generally traced to the Persian sarband. In Turkish, sarik is the usual name for turban. In ancient Egyptian civilization the turban was considered an ornamental headdress. They called it pjr from which perhaps is derived the word pagari or pugree, so commonly used in the Punjab of India. 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself spoke strongly in favor of the turban, as can be seen from the following hadiths, i.e., sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
"The turban is a frontier between faith and unbelief." --

"My community shall not fall away so long as they wear turban." --

"At the day of the judgment, a man shall receive a light for each turn of the turban round his head." --

"Wear turban, for thus you will gain in generosity." --

"Wear the turban and thus distinguish yourselves from the peoples who came before you." --

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 An illustration of Arab men in the fourth to sixth century, wearing turbans and keffiyeh (middle)

One of the commands of God to Prophet Moses (Hazrat Musa PBUH)  was to wear turban as the symbol of prophethood, holiness and divine power.

Turban in the Old Testament
"Put on the turban as the Lord has commanded Moses."
"They made the tunic of fine lines, woven work for Aaron and his sons, the miter (turban) of fine linen, the tall head dress and their bands all of fine linen, the drawers of finely woven linen, the sash of woven linen, as the Lord had commanded Moses."
(Exodus 39, 27)
"These are the vestments they must make: breast plate, ephod, robe, embroidered tunic, turban and girdle."
(Exodus: 28-4)
"Holy to the Lord"; and they fastened it on a violet brand to fix it on the turban at the top as the Lord had commanded Moses.
(Exodus 39-29)
Set the turban on his head and the symbol of holy dedication on the turban. Take the anointing oil, pour it on his head and anoint him.
(Exodus 29-6)
"Consecrated to Yahweh", as a man engraves a seal. You will secure this to the turban with a ribbon of violet purple; it is to be placed on the front of the turban. The tunic you must weave of fine linen and a girdle, the work of a skilled embroiderer. (Exodus 28-36)
"When God takes away the turban," says Prophet Isaiah; "he takes away the dignity of man."
"That day the Lord will take away the ankle ornaments, tiaras, pendants and bracelets and veils, the expensive dresses, mantles, cloaks and purses, the mirror, linen garments, turban and mantles."
(Isaiah 3:22, 23)
Turban as Symbol of Purity: Now Joshua was dressed in dirty clothes as he stood before the angel of God. The angel said these words to those who stood before him: "Take off his dirty clothes, clothe him in splendid robes of state and put a clean turban on his head." They clothed him in splendid robes of State and put a clean turban on his head. The angel said, "I have taken away your inequity from you. He shall wear a sacred linen tunic and linen drawer to cover himself and he shall put on a linen sash around his waist and wind a linen turban round his head and these are sacred vestments and he shall bathe before putting them on."
(Zechariah 3:4-9)
The Turban has long been considered the crown of spirituality: It is essential to Sikh Dharma and also has a special significance in HinduismJudaismChristianity, and Islam. And it is interesting to note that in Islam, the angels and all the prophets are represented as wearing turbans.

Turbans / Head Gears  From Around The World

Elders from Yemen, often wear a turban wrapped around a cap known in Arabic as a kalansuwa. These caps can be spherical or conical, colorful or solid white, and their styles vary widely from region to region. Likewise, the color of the turban wrapped around the kalansuwa varies. Not all Muslims wear turbans.                   

Afghan men wear a variety of turbans, and even within the Taliban, the strict Islamic government that controls much of the country, there are differences in the way men cover their heads. For example, he may wear a very long turban … perhaps two twined together … with one end hanging loose over his shoulder. The Taliban ambassador to Afghanistan, on the other hand, favors a solid black turban tied above his forehead. And some men in Afghanistan do not wear turbans at all, b
Afgahn Cleric        Afghan Man
Iranian leaders wear black or white turbans wrapped in the flat, circular style as is the case of the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Greek word turban is thought to have originated in biblical times. The turban is called a sarband, or a dulband among Persians and in some areas of Iran.
Iranian Cleric 

Indian men sometimes wear turbans to signify their class, caste, profession or religious affiliation … and turbans in India can be very elaborate. However, turbans made out of fancy woven cloths and festooned with jewels are not unique to India. As far away as Turkey, men have used the head gear to demonstrate their wealth and power.
Today, in rural regions from North Africa to India, poor farmers and nomadic people of various religions cover their heads with simple turbans, the colors and styles of which sometimes identify them as members of a particular tribe or community.

Tipu Sultan of Mysore Kingdom (State of Karnataka in INDIA) wearing turban, was one of the most powerful rulers in India before the advent of the British rule.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapu, was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India, wearing turban.

Bal Ganghadhar Tilak , Indian Freedom Fighter & a  Social Reformer, wearing turban

Swami Vivekananda-1893-09-signed.jpg
  Swami Vivekanand
(1863 – 4 July 1902, He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world ), wearing turban.

Original painting of founder & 1st Guru (prophet) of Sikhism, Guru Nanak Sahib And Bhai Mardana Ji in 1499,  all males can be seen wearing turban. 
From left to right:
(1) Guru (Prophet) Nanak Sahib, Founder Guru (Prophet) of Sikhism
(2) Bhai Sahib Mardana Ji, (with a Rabab musical instrument on his left shoulder).
(3) Bhaia Jai Ram Ji,
(4) Mehta Kalyan Rai Ji (worthy father of Satguru (Prophet) Nanak Sahib),
(5) Bebe Nanaki Ji, first Sikh of the Sikh- world (sister of Satguru (Prophet) Nanak Sahib),
(6) Mata Sulakhni Ji (wife of Satguru (Prophet) Nanak Sahib) with Lakhmi Das (Son, few months old),
(7) Baba Sri Chand Ji (Son, 5 yrs old)
This original portrait was made by Ustad Mohammed Hussain Chugtai of Daulat Khan Lodhi, (who was in Lahore Mughal court, PP 47 of" Punjab Paintings", by S.S. Srivastva, 1983). When almighty Satguru Nanak Ji and Bhai Sahib Mardana Ji were about to leave for first Udhasi / world humanitarian mission (made in total four travels in four directions  on world humanitarian mission) from Sultan Pur Lodhi the family wanted to keep that painting in the absence of Almighty Satguru.

A Sikh Officer in Indian Forces
                                                A typical Turban of an Urban Sikh
                           Indian State of Rajasthan

Old dated Postcard Dakar Senegal, African shown wearing turban.

 Central Asiaian Uzbek men in turban from Khiva, ca. 1861-1880

In Arab World, Kaffiyeh is an important head gear. It is really a rectangular piece of cloth, folded diagonally and then draped over the head . Men in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Persian Gulf states wear kaffiyehs in colors and styles that are particular to their region. Jordanians, for example, wear a red and white kaffiyeh, while Palestinians wear a black and white one.

Yasser Arafa                           A Saudi Man

Omani men wear the muzzar (a type of turban).

Saladin, was Kurdish & the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria,1138 – March 4, 1193. In portrait shown wearing turban.

Greek mathematician Pythagoras wore a turban, as shown in this sculpture

Late 18th/early 19th Century English portrait of young women wearing a turban

Following images show case Before Christ Era (BC): Sculptures of well known Ancient Civilizations,  Preachers / Prophets, their belongings. All having Turban as a Head gear:

MEXICO: TLATILCO CIVILISATION sculpture, wearing a turban. 1700-1300 B.C.     


INDUS VALLEY CIVILIATION (now North India & Pakistan)- sculpture, wearing a turban.2600 - 1900 B.C.

Depiction of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) wearing turban, the founding father of the Israelites, with a prominent role in JudaismChristianity and Islam. Historians call this era 3000 to 2000 B.C

Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH), in portrait wearing turban    
He was born in 1154 BC

  Claimed to be Belongings (includes turban) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). in Lahore city.d’ Tabbarrat Area, Badshahi Masjid. in Lahore city. Pakistan

Confucius was born in 551 BC, in the Chinese State of Lu.

Zarathustra was believed to have lived during 600 B.C,
and was a religious teacher and prophet of ancient Persia. In portrait shown wearing turban.

 King Ashoka (304 BC - 232 BC) emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty, Indian, reigned over all of South Asia, wearing turban in this portrait.
He ruled all of present day India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.

Though no one knows exactly when and where the turban originated, carvings left by the Assyrians, who lived 3,000 years ago in the area that is now Iraq, show turbans on the heads of kings.